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Check your Battery Life using our Potentiostat with EIS


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Check your Battery Life using our Potentiostat with EIS

📢 Measurement of Na-ion and LFP batteries at FEL ČVUT using EIS method

Kolibrik.net has just finished testing Na-ion battery cells at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Czech Technical University using the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method with our potentiostat.

🔋 Na-ion batteries are the technology of the future, offering:
👉 High safety
👉 Availability of materials
👉 Low cost

Traditional methods such as capacitance testing provide limited information. However, with the use of EIS and potentiostat, we are able to look deeper into the electrochemical processes inside batteries and obtain comprehensive data on their condition.

Technology on the rise, results in hand! 🚀