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Compact Modular System

Stackable modular system designed for size-restrained compact control solutions


  • Designed for cost-effective mass production whilst preserving possibility of fast evolution and customizations
  • Compact credit-card size design
  • Stackable in a tower or in a row
  • Serial communication bus RS485 (cost effective, other buses possible), converters for USB, Ethernet, etc. as accessory
  • compatible with other Kolibrik.net products for automation and measurement like TEVOMET, DIN I/O modules, etc.
  • Could be controlled by external PC or server or could be equipped with head module with microcontroller or embedded-linux board
  • Mechanical design is compatible with embedded-linux minicomputers like well known Raspberry PI or similar industrial-grade products
  • Applications: H2 fuel-cell stack research and control systems

Most sold

Product Description
Module for KMS system bus power with XC2/RS485 connection, USB to XC2 converter and RaspberryPi-like boards interface
Power management module / Control unit for stack control with IO
Module with battery charger for start-up Li-ion battery
20 A Power switch module for switch power supply for electronics to stack / battery / external power source, with I,V monitoring
40-60 A DC/DC module board for paralelization of SynQor DC/DC converters (price without SynQor modules)
3D-printed enclosures for KMS/SCS modules

If these variants do not suit you, please contact us, we offer customized solutions!



CVM-24P - 24-channel Cell Voltage Monitor for H2FC stacks, batteries and electrochemical applications, voltage range ±5V, precision automotive version with CAN 

CVM-32A - 32-channel Cell Voltage Monitor for H2FC stacks, voltage range ±1.5V

CVM-64H - 64-channel Cell Voltage Monitor for H2FC stacks, voltage range ±2.5V

TEVOMET - Multi-channel temperature and voltage monitor / meter

Overview of all Cell Voltage Monitoring products


If you need more information or looking for specific solution or product, contact us through this form or on email info@kolibrik.net!